terça-feira, 22 de dezembro de 2009

Avaliação de Desempenho

Tomei, hoje, conhecimento do resultado da avaliação de desempenho dos últimos dois anos lectivos.

Tive 8.

Nunca um Bom tinha tido, na minha vida, um sabor tão amargo.

A partir de hoje, quando discutir as notas com os alunos, tenho de os informar que Bom pode ser uma má nota.

Agradeço ao Senhor Primeiro Ministro e, em particular, à anterior equipa ministerial por me terem permitido enriquecer  o campo semântico da menção qualitativa de Bom.

quinta-feira, 17 de dezembro de 2009

Activity 4 - One-Question-Interviews

Make a one-question-interview with either an online teacher or an author of one of the articles in your annotated bibliography. The question should be related to online teaching techniques, teacher workload or online assignments.

Question to Dr. Steve Ehrmann

My name is Rosalina Simão Nunes and I am taking a master degree on E-Learning Pedagogy, by Universidade Aberta in Portugal. In this semestre we have a uc taken by professor Morten Paulsen and I quoted your paper IMPLEMENTING THE SEVEN PRINCIPLES: Technology as Lever, in a annotated bibliography about online teaching techniques.

In the Activity 4, to the Unit 2, professor Morten Paulsen asked us to make a one-question-interview with either an online teacher or an author of one of the articles in our annotated bibliography. The question should be related to online teaching techniques, teacher workload or online assignments.

I choosed online teaching techniques and I related it with a issues that, here, in Portugal, we are discussing.
The portuguese government promoted last year, one program - the Magalhães - that aims to democratize access to information technology and supported by the distribution of a computer (The Magalhaes) for each student of the 1st cycle (children between 5 and 10 years).

Beyond other problems, one of the issues that is currently discussing, too, is whether there are benefits in using computers for children of this age. So, my question is: Should we use this kind technology, at this age, as lever for education in classroom?

Best regards
Rosalina Simão Nunes


Thanks so much for asking me. In the mid 1990s, I was a member of an OECD team that evaluated a Portuguese program to use computers to improve education for students of that age. The program was called Minerva, I believe, and it was a great success, the best we'd seen in any country in the world.
I congratulate you on your English. But English is full of ambiguity in education, so I'll take a chance and reword your interview question. If I've misunderstood your intent, please correct me.
Interview Question: the Portuguese government is providing a computer with Internet connectivity for every child ages 5-10, along with resources that can be used online in schools. Do you see ways to take advantage of these computers, connectivity and resources to help the children of this age learn?
Answer: My experience is mostly with college age students and mostly with students in North America, so please consider these suggestions with caution.
First, nothing will work without the appropriately prepared teachers and the staff who can help them. Part of the genius of the Minerva Program was the skill with which this was managed through an elegant collaboration among the Portuguese government, universities, and the schools themselves. (Minerva helped schools install a half dozen computers in a lab in each school building and then take advantage of those few machines to improve the learning of many, many children in that school. Teachers were seconded to the project and trained by the universities. These trained teachers then collaborated nationally to develop and implement ideas for using the machines. One popular practice, for example, was for children to interview people in their towns and create magazines of family stories, recipes, history, and such - a computer was used to do page layout and the printer to print the magazine. Ten year olds in one school wrote a whole cookbook which was published and widely circulated.)
One of the classic uses of computers to improve learning is to shift attention from mechanics to process -- from lower order skills to higher order thinking. School children of this age all need to learn the mechanics of writing. Students all need to learn to write with a pen or pencil. But even at this age, students also ought to learn to write (and rewrite, and rethink) at a keyboard, using letters, pictures, color, images and even music in their writing. For adults, and for children, writing should be like sculpting in clay not sculpting in stone (as it was when I was a child). And computers can bring multimedia into the picture. It also makes it more likely that children can create their own projects, magazines and web sites for the enjoyment of their families and neighbors.
That same logic can be applied to other kinds of learning. Students can learn about certain musical ideas by using computers (with appropriate software) to create their own music. Seymour Papert suggested decades ago some means for learning math by playing with math. Ditto art, history simulations, geography, and other areas of learning. (And I do think play is an important element of learning at this age).
The internet opens a much larger library for students. Instead of the tiny library I remember as a school child, the school could manage the children's access to books read aloud (along with the texts), music played aloud (along with the score), and the like. I imagine that there are interesting learning games, such as role playing simulations, that children can be play from computers.
And, of course, for some skills, self-paced, interactive computer tutorials are appropriate. There is ample evidence that, for such skills, children can learn about 1/3 faster than with more traditional methods. I don't know if the learning is any deeper than with traditional methods, but it's quicker, which frees time for other uses.
In all this, I imagine a shortage of software and materials in Portuguese might be an issue.
That problem might become an opportunity if it provides opportunities for college students, high school students and perhaps even somewhat younger children to create the software and resources for children of this age, and to work with the chidren as they try out the prototypes.
To conclude: with this policy in place, I'm very hopeful that there are worthwhile ways to use the investment to the benefit of both the children and the teachers.
Stephen C. Ehrmann

domingo, 13 de dezembro de 2009

A fé dos portugueses

Assim vai a fé dos portugueses nos políticos à escala mundial.
como cá...
Crentes precisam-se!

Inquérito disponível no JN

quarta-feira, 9 de dezembro de 2009

outro dia feliz.

terça-feira, 8 de dezembro de 2009

Activity 3 - review on two learning objects published by colleagues

I waited until today to make my comments  in order to have access to more learning object and to choose based on some criteria.

Of all the published resources, I chose two that somehow could interact with my work more directly:

Marco, Maria de Lurdes and Teresa  built a document, visually and graphi, quite appealing . No wonder, then, that when I make this comment, the work has already been viewed by 121 visitors. That hapened, certainly, because they  used the ISSUU, as a tool to optimize the form of newspaper work. The ability to browse the leaves as a newspaper, in fact,  allows us to immerse in the content in a interesting way.  About the contents, I highlight that one who is described on page three, since it coincides with the technique I chose to develop the wiki I created: the Forum. I think one way to enrich my work  would be, for example, introduce in the wiki the list of benefits that my colleagues enumerated in  the  Benefits topic. Learning objects like this that Marco, Maria de Lurdes and Teresa built can be very useful when we want to synthesize subjects.

In relation to the resource created by Monica and Sandra, - creating a Facebook group in order to discuss,  disseminate information and  share materials on teaching online - would be an excellent tool to promote the discussion that I propose, in section Discussion, on my wiki: Can we consider that the forums would be replaced by these recent social technologies? Although this discussion could be developed in the wiki, certainly using Facebook the visibility would be another. It seems to me that the use of social networks, particularly Facebook, are an excellent way to quickly convey information. I have some doubts about the possibility of using Facebook as a tool for gathering information for evaluation.  

Meantime, Teresa Rafael also has presented her resource. I will therefore make a brief comment. I think the paper prepared by Teresa fits into the same type of work submitted by colleagues Marco Freitas, Maria de Lurdes Martins and Teresa Fernandes, moreover, the tool used for publication was the same (ISSUU). She built a document that summarizes the various teaching techniques used by the mediation of the computer, as well as the strategies used in online education. I found  very interesting that the work begins with the comparison between traditional teaching and learning online. It is, therefore, a query feature, since there are exposed certain content and  the choice of ISSUU seems quite appropriate, since it facilitates the reading using the fullscreen, and to peruse the work. Advantage also important , as with the learning object  E-Learning Daily News, is  be allowed to download.


Esperei até hoje para fazer os meus comentários a dois dos trabalhos de colegas a fim de poder ter acesso ao maior número de trabalhos e conseguir escolher baseando-me em algum critério.

De todos os recursos publicados, escolhi dois que, de certa forma poderiam interagir com  o meu trabalho de forma mais directa:
O Marco, a Maria de Lurdes e a Teresa construíram um documento bastante apelativo em termos visuais e gráficos. Não admira, pois, que, no momento em que faço este comentário,  o trabalho tenha já sido visto por 121 visitantes.  Facto que, sem dúvida, terá dado ao trabalho um maior impacto visual foi a utilização do ISSU, como ferramenta, optimizando a forma de jornal do trabalho. A possibilidade de folhear as folhas como se de um jornal, de facto,  se tratasse, permite-nos imergir de uma forma como interessante com os  conteúdos. Quanto a estes, destaco aquele que é descrito na página três, uma vez que coincide com a técnica que eu escolhi para desenvolver no wiki que criei: o Fórum. Penso que uma forma de enriquecer o meu recurso seria, por exemplo, introduzir no wiki a lista de vantagens que os meus colegas enumeraram no tópico Benefits. Recursos como este que o Marco a Maria de Lurdes e Teresa construíram podem ser muito úteis, quando se pretendem sintetizar matérias. 

Em relação ao recurso criado pela Mónica e Sandra, - criação de um grupo no Facebook com o objectivo de divulgar informações discutir e partilhar materiais  sobre técnicas de ensino online - seria uma excelente ferramenta para promover a discussão que proponho no wiki, na secção Discussion: Can we consider that the forums would be replaced by these recent social technologies?  Ainda que essa discussão se pudesse desenvolver no próprio wiki, certamente que usando o Facebook a visibilidade seria outra. Parece-me que o uso das redes sociais, nomeadamente o Facebook, são uma excelente forma de, rapidamente, veicular informação. Tenho algumas dúvidas sobre a possibilidade de usar o Facebook como instrumento de recolha de informações para avaliação.

Entretanto, a Teresa Rafael apresentou também o seu recurso. Vou por isso fazer um breve comentário. Penso que o trabalho elaborado pela Teresa se encaixa na mesma tipologia de trabalho apresentado pelos colegas Marco Freitas, Maria de Lurdes Martins e Teresa Fernandes, aliás, a ferramenta usada para publicação foi a mesma (ISSUU). Construiu um documento onde apresenta de forma sintética as várias técnicas pedagógicas usadas por mediação do computador, bem como as estratégias usadas no ensino online. Achei muito interessante o facto do trabalho iniciar com a comparação entre o ensino tradicional e o ensino online. Trata-se, portanto, de um recurso de consulta, já que são expostos determinados conteúdos e a escolha do ISSUU parece-me bastante adequada, uma vez que facilita a leitura, utilizando o fullscreen, e permite folhear o trabalho. Vantagem também importante, tal como acontece com o recurso E-Learning Daily News é ser permitido o download.


segunda-feira, 7 de dezembro de 2009

Activity 2 - producing a learning object related to cooperative freedom

In this work, I tried to highlight what may be considered in cooperative freedom a contradiction: reconcile freedom and flexibility with cooperative work. For me, is, in the theory of Professor Morten, the most interesting issues.
I tried to show, raising this issue first and then indicating how the Cooperative fredoom responds to that problem. Choosing  the pictures carefully so as to be in tune with the choice of words and referring to the strategies. At end of video, I made a brief biographical of Professor Morten, referring the year in which first presented his theory, since it seems to me that the cooperative theory is different from the cooperative freedoom.

More information about Cooperative Freedom:

*Edited on 25 February (2010) to add more information about Cooperative Freedom.